Retaining/Foundation Walls Drainage

An effective retaining wall subdrain system will transport water from any location along the wall and channel it into the collection pipe located along the footing where it is transported to the drain.

Retaining Wall Drainage

Retaining wall drainage prevents groundwater buildup behind the wall and helps maintain pressures within retaining wall design specifications.
An effective retaining wall subdrain system will transport water from any location along the wall and channel it into the collection pipe located along the footing where it is transported to the drain.

Waterbelt is installed vertically at regular intervals before backfilling, with the collection slots facing the wall. The length of the belt can be varied according to the height of the wall below grade. Spacing between belts is dependant on soil type and application.
Strips of belt can also be placed along the floor of the trench to collect water from a rising water table, and along the excavation line to intercept water migrating towards the wall.
Water coming into contact with the wall is collected by the belt where it is immediately channeled to the collector pipe. Since the soil particles are separated from the water by gravity and capillary, there is no need for gravel, drain rock, or any type of filter fabric.

Foundation Wall

Foundation wall design guidelines require drain tile or weeping tile to be installed along the footing to provide drainage. In areas where there is a high water table, the drainage should also extend up the foundation wall, terminating just below the grade line.

Foundation wall drainage prevents the buildup of hydrostatic pressure against the wall which can result in leaks inside the building area.

Draining groundwater around subsurface walls can reduce pressure against the wall and protect building contents from leakage through the wall at cracks and construction joints.

Installation of Waterbelt for foundation applications is similar to retaining wall installations.

Retaining Wall Drainage Repair

Repairing blocked drainage can be a difficult or near impossible task. It usually involves a complete excavation of the earth behind the wall, which may not always be possible.

An effective and easy solution is achieved by wrapping pvc pipe with Waterbelt, and shaping the ends to form a joint where the water is transferred from the outside of the assembly to the inside. Water is collected in the Waterbelt channels along the outside of the pipe, and flows through the channels of Waterbelt leading to the inside of the next section of pipe where it can flow for removal.

The individual sections of pipe can be joined to form a long length. Each section collects and transfers the water to the inside of the pipe independently, so the water flowing inside the pipe does not interfere with the water collection process.

The length of the assembly is determined by design within the limits of the drilling operation. The drilling is set to maintain a slight slope to the outside so water can empty as required.
The sections can be fabricated by the contractor or can be supplied by the Waterbelt factory according to the project requirements.

A hole is drilled through the retaining wall and into the soil behind. The Waterbelt/pipe assembly is simply pushed into the hole to the required depth. The joint can be grouted to improve the final appearance.

Waterbelt drain belt collects and drains groundwater from rainfall, high water table and seepage without clogging. It separates the soil particles from the water before collection so drain rock and geotextile filters are not required.